Saturday, April 08, 2006

Karen Visiting

We did go to Sand Key on Monday and had a great sail. While we were there we received a call from our friend Karen, saying she would like to join us for a week in the sunshine. We said great we would love her company. Tuesday we returned to Dinner Key to pick her up. After we returned back to Sand Key, which is just above Elliot Key on Biscayne Bay. We anchored out for two nights and on the third day we entered the harbor on Boca Chita Key. The picture is of Karen enjoying the beautiful clear clean water at the beach.

Thursday was Larry's and my 16th wedding anniversary which we celebrated with Karen and our friend Mike. We had a delicious salmon dinner on shore at a picnic table. Mike had sailed solo to join us on his boat. Diane his wife went North to be with their daughter during surgery. We missed her but she and Tracy were in our thoughts.

We have returned to Dinner Key for Larry to continue his Captains course. Karen and I plan to go to South Beach in Miami this afternoon and catch some rays.


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