Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Night before last we anchored off Pumpkin Key and were treated to an incrediable sunset. The kind that when you take multiple pictures not to miss any possible views, it's hard to pick just one shot to use. The clouds were heavy along the horizon and gave us quite a show. We had a very quiet night along with one other boat that came in just at susnset. About a mile away off Angel Fish Creek we could see our friend Michael at anchor. When we rose the next morning he was gone maybe he crossed to the Bahamas.
Yesterday morning we put out our mainsail brought up our anchor and sailed down Card sound to Card Bank where we brought in our sails and motored though the narrow channel. We tucked up in East of Steamboat Creek and dropped anchor in about 7 feet of water. The winds were predicted to lessen to 5 to 10 miles and then switch out of the Northwest after midnight. About 3 AM we woke to the winds picking up and the boat changing direction. It is a very muddy bottom and we moved about 60 feet then the anchor set again. The winds are supposed to be out of the North and Northeast for the next few days. We may stay here until tomorrow we haven't yet decided. We plan to be in Islamorada by Friday or Saturday.
LCH One thing that has been quite a change for us down here is that we anchor in open areas. On Lake Ontario we always found nice protected anchorages. Here you make sure you have protection from the forcasted wind direction and hope they are right. Last night we tucked up within .3 nm of the north shore and behind us is 5 or 6 miles of open water. Same for the night before. Some times we have no choice and we are wide open to the winds. Some nights we just do not sleep, Pumpkin Key we were lucky!
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