Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Beautiful Day in Paradise

You can see by the picture Rich and Julie have finally been able to shed their cold weather clothes. The last few days have been warm and sunny, not much wind but we sailed in spite of it. We were not in a hurry to get where we were going. Yesterday we sailed out in the Gulf and went for a quick swim. When I say quick I mean quick the water temperature was only 57 degrees. It was very refreshing!
We are at anchor in Charlotte Harbor just of Punta Gorda at Fisherman's Village. We had a quite night without wind.
Rich and Julie's week has ended today and they will be picked up around noon. The week certainly went by quick. Vacation always has a way of doing that. Last we heard their driveway was snowed in, hopefully the sun has melted it all away. We'll miss them, it has been a fun week. We'll look forward to sailing with them this summer on Lake Ontario.
Larry and I will stay for a few days to visit with his parents. Next week we will start our trip South along the West coast of Florida and then though the Keys, then up the East coast of Florida. Florida allows you to sail their waters for 90 days without paying taxes in their state and we have met that limit. We plan to spend some time in Georgia waiting for warmer weather to head North for the Summer. We would like to take our time going North this year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not sure of the details, but it is my understanding from some general research that you can stay indefinitely in Florida waters if you have arrived there accidentally. This entails having spent time (six months) in a different State, paid their tax and found themselves in Florida. Snow birds think of things like this all the time! See you at Rendezvous!
All the best, Ken Westbrook

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was fun to meet you at Cabbage Key the other day. Good to hear the weather has straightened out, it was a bit breezy and cool earlier in the week! Hopefully we'll run into you again sometime.

Bill Hansen
Blue Note, Ft Myers FL

5:10 PM  

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