Sunday, November 11, 2007

Norfolk, Virginia

Last Sunday we did indeed leave St. Michales and go to Solomon's Island. It was a heavy wind sail as we came down the Miles River and out into the Chesapeake Bay. Once we entered the Bay the wind lessened and we had to turn on the iron genny and motor sail until the sails began to flog. We arrived at Solomon's Island and dropped the hook for the night. We had planned to spend Monday doing some touring of the maritime museum and some provisioning. When we woke in the morning and checked the weather, the forecast had changed. Instead of Monday being ugly and Tuesday being the prime day to travel to Deltaville, it was just the opposite. We hoisted the anchor and were under way. Provisioning would have been more convenient in Solomons but with the change in the weather it was best we moved on.

We spent this past week in Deltaville provisioning, cleaning, checking out employment for next Summer and waiting for a friend of ours from BYC Yacht Club, Mike, to join us for part of our journey. He, unfortunately, was detained due to a health issue and now plans to catch up with us in a few weeks. Our plan was to leave Deltaville on Saturday to travel to Norfolk but the weather said otherwise. It was cold, windy and wet Saturday and we were happy to spend the time inside the boat with the heat on.

This morning we left Deltaville around 8 AM. The waves were still large from the day before and the wind was 15 to 17 knots. We motored sailed until the wind faded away. It was about 3 PM when we arrived in the harbor and decided to go to the first anchorage in Hampton Roads. The tide was going out and the current was against us which would have made for a slow go up the Elizabeth River to the next anchorage at Hospital Basin. The sunset in the picture is what we were treated to at 5 Pm this evening. It's so far very quiet this evening and we hope it stays that way. The temperature outside is very low tonight and will get down to the mid thirties. We purchased a propane heater on Friday and are giving it a workout tonight.

We will leave here tomorrow morning around 7 AM and take the Virginia Cut because our favored route the Dismal Swamp has been closed due to low water. We have a reservation for Midway Marina for tomorrow night.


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