Rochester, NY

See John fix our furler!
We were under way before 7 AM on Wednesday morning. The water had just a ripple and shortly it was like a mirror, flat and reflective. We were just off of the Rochester channel about 11 AM before it rippled again and was just beginning to break out into tiny waves.
We pulled up on Shumway's gas dock to fuel up and retain a slip. Then the wait began. It was well afternoon before our furler was looked at and 5:15 when the job was finished. Shumway quits work at 5 PM. Oh well, the mast will not be stepped today.
Thursday morning we ask when they might be able to step our mast. We were told after 1 Pm. Our oldest daughter, Jennifer and her youngest son Joseph came to take us to the DMV for license plates for our truck. After which we all went to lunch at the Pelican Nest on the river. We came back and waited and waited but our mast never got stepped. They were short handed and many jobs booked. They promised Friday morning.
We met up with friends of ours that we met at the Hunter rendezvous, Ken and Ruth. We had a great evening out to dinner and cocktails on their boat after. Even though we were frustrated waiting around the day was rounded out with good company both in the morning and evening.
As I am writing this they are busy with the process of stepping our mast. It will be great not to bang my head on it any longer. After they are finished we will put our canvas and our sails back in place. We hope to be underway by early afternoon. I'm looking forward to being settled for a while.
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