Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Charleston, SC

Good morning! It's been difficult getting a connection. I forgot how poor my signal is in the Carolina's. We are underway as I write this. Yesterday was a very long one due to distance traveled and the current being against us most of the way. We set our hook just before dark across from the city marina in Charleston. It was a quiet night and the rest was much needed. Our plan is to go as far as Georgetown, SC. If the time because of current is late we will anchor at Georgetown, otherwise we will go beyond and anchor.
We spent the weekend anchored just off the city marina in Beaufort, SC. While we were there we provisioned and enjoyed the town. On Palm Sunday we went to a true Southern Methodist Church. I had been wanting to experience a Southern Baptist Church but was treated to the Methodist Church instead. They had a small congregation but their energy was very large, especially the pastor's. The weather was very mild and warm while we were in Beaufort, in fact this entire trip has been warmer than last years return.
Pryor to Beaufort, we stayed on Jekyll Island for two nights and visited the historic district. We took the trolley tour and learned about the history of this fascinating resort island. We plan to return again and stay a few more days to enjoy the beach at the ocean.
The picture is of a submarine in a docking station at the Marine Base near St Mary's, GA. We passed by it on the ferry ride going to Plum Orchard. It appeared to us that it was being commissioned because of the banners and service men in dress uniform.


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