Sunday, September 21, 2008

Visitors From Florida

These are our friends Pete and Dee, they may look familiar to you. That would be because we cruised across to the Bahamas with them and then cruised a few of the Cays with them. They live in Florida on the West coast and drove to New York to visit with friends and family along the way. They arrived on Wednesday just in time for our Wednesday night get together here at the marina. We have a pot luck every Wednesday night, it gives us and transient boaters a chance to meet each other.
Pete and Dee spent two nights with us on there way to Tennessee to visit with other friends. Thursday was a beautiful day for a sail. It was cool in the morning but warmed up nicely. The wind was 10 to 15 knots out of the NE and the waves were 2 to 3 feet on the bay so we cruised up the Rappahannock River. The winds were about the same until we got to the bridge but we had no waves. It's great to have a choice as to where to sail. When we arrived back at the dock our log told us we had traveled 24 nautical miles. We were quite amazed at that.
That evening we drove to Toby's for dinner. We had a great but short visit and Friday morning Pete and Dee were on their way again. Our plan is to meet up again in Marathon.
Summer sure is going by fast. It's hard to believe in less than two months we will be leaving to head South.
We will go by motorcycle to visit Patience and Steve in the Outer Banks on Thursday of this coming week. We are looking forward to the visit and a break for Larry from working. The following weekend we will drive by car to NY to visit for one last time this year and to see my sister Patti from Nevada. It will be good to see her and her daughters, it's been five years since we last saw each other. The next few weeks promise to be busy with visiting and preparing for travel South.


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