As we traveled today we noticed that several high rise bridges are being erected through the Myrtle Beach area. You can see from the picture one of those bridges.
This was a barge we passed by as the tug was delivering huge beams for one of the bridges. Being this close gives one an up front and personal view of how large the beams actually are.
We arrived at Osprey Marina around 4:30 fueled our boat and took a dock. Mike and Diane arrived shortly after. We finally were able to get together. That night we shared some wine and snacks on Express Mail.
Day 14! We woke before 7 AM and were on our way. The plan for today was to anchor in Awendaw Creek. We arrived around 4PM set our anchor and this time we gathered on our boat for cocktails. This picture is of Skipper he is taking a break from his long day on the water.
Day 15! This morning we woke at 6:30 AM hoping to get to our first bridge opening in good time to make the second bridge in Charleston, SC before it went on restriction. Yesterday we didn't have any bridges when we traveled past Georgetown, SC. The day before we hit all our bridges in time for each opening. One even opened early because of a commercial tug and barge.
Today we were listening to the VHF radio and the boats ahead of us were getting though the bridge shortly after they arrived. We felt we were going to be in good shape. The bridge was on request and we hailed the tender when we arrived only to be told that they had technical difficulties and it would be at least an hour wait. We dropped the anchor and waited. When the bridge was to open all the boats behind us had caught up with us including Express Mail. We knew that this delay would prevent us from getting to the anchorage we had planned with Express Mail. Mike and Diane needed to be at an anchorage with an area to walk Skipper. We'll meet back up tomorrow in Beaufort, SC.
Larry and I enjoyed a beautiful sunset at our anchorage in Church Creek. It was difficult to choose one of the many pictures I took. The water was like a mirror and if it weren't for the boat in the shot it is difficult to tell if the picture is upside down or right side up.
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