Moving Again!
We entered the channel and found our anchorage in Lake Silvia. We have anchored here on several trips in the past. After a calm night and we were up and on our way early, just before 7 AM. Again we took the outside route on the ocean to Miami. After entering the Miami channel we made our way to an anchorage just off Key Biscayne, an anchorage we have used several times in the past. As we were making our way to the anchorage the thunder clouds were building over the mainland. By evening more clouds were building over the ocean creating thunder and lightning. This made for an uneasy nights sleep. We never did get any rain or storm activity near us. We were thankful for that.
With the excessive heat we are having it was nice to cool off in the water by the boat. We did enjoy our evening, even while we sat in the cockpit watching the lightning strike out on the ocean side. We were also treated to a show by two spotted rays that kept swimming by the boat. They are so graceful as they swim.
This morning we woke to storms building out on the Hawk Channel, the route we were going to use. After some debating we decided to go the ICW to avoid the building storms. Well that didn't work. We were almost to Key Largo and new storms developed in our path. We were almost to Card Sound bridge when we could see lightening striking where we were headed. We opted to drop our anchor just north of the bridge and wait it out. After waiting about 30 minutes, the storm subsided and we were under way again.
We are at a dock at Gilbert's Resort and Marina for the night. We are plugged in and cooling off with the air conditioning. The last we will see of that until we are at our new dock.
Earlier in the day we had made contact with a sailing friend of ours, Mike. We met him and Diane our first year cruising. They continued to go back and forth from NJ to Florida during our hiatus in DC. We wanted to know about depths in the ICW route and he shared that things had not changed much since we were here last. He also suggested the Yacht Channel up to the Everglades. We had taken that once several years ago. It will cut off several miles of our trip so we plan to take it. Tomorrow we will go as far as Islamorada and anchor off Lorilie's restaurant. The following day we will head to the Everglades and anchor off Shark River. If I don't do an update when we are in the Glades I probably don't have a signal.
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