Tuesday, August 23, 2016
We will be glad when we get to Florida, the tides in South Carolina and Georgia during a full moon are a pain. This morning we had to wait until after eight to leave Lady's Island Marina because the bridge opening was before 7:00 or after 9:00. It's closed during rush hour. If we left before 7:00 the tide was too low to get out the Chanel so we waited until after 8:00. We saw in one area 2 feet below our keel. Low tide would have been tough.
Because we had to leave on a raising tide the current was against us. We only go top speed 5.4 knots, with the current at times we were going as slow as 3.8 knots.
Larry needed to do some work so he went below deck and I was on the helm when we were near the end of Port Royal River where it meets Port Royal Sound and the ocean. I heard a boat approaching from behind and turned around to find a Coast Guard boat full of young Coasties. One made the motion to slow down and I'm thinking I'm almost standing still what do you want. I waved he waved, then he came along side. I ask if we wanted to board, he looked at the fact that I was bouncing around a bit in the waves and replied no. He said have a good day and off they went. I think they thought I was single handing the boat. When Larry came up he said he thought he felt a wake.
We made it across the sound and into Skull Creek. After Larry did some calculations of tide and hours of the next bridge opening and places to anchor, weather conditions and anything else that needs to be considered, there was no way we could get to where we planned to go before dark so we took a dock at Skull Creek Marina and plan to start out the with a raising tide tomorrow morning.
After Larry had his conference call we went for a walk in the community. It is a beautiful place and the dock master told us people come here and never leave. I could see why but we plan to leave early tomorrow morning.
Here are some pictures of today.
The dredging operations at the opening of the creek. We weren't sure if we could get around them but we did.
The yard up by the club house.
Fountain by the club house.
The hydrangea bushes were beautiful.
One of the things I love most about the South, the moss hanging from the trees.
The site of Fort Mitchell.
Larry doing what he loves best, reading signs about history.
An amazing view of the ICW, Skull Creek from the site of Fort Mitchell.
I wasn't able to find out what this little flower is but it is very pretty. They were growing along the path at the site of Fort Mitchell.
It was beautiful this evening, so much so that we even ate dinner in the cockpit. Something that it's been too hot to do. We were treated to another amazing sunset. One of many.
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