Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Rainy Day in Paradise

This picture of me was taken Tuesday afternoon on our walk though the woods to the beach on the ocean side of Manjack Cay. It was a long walk but it felt good to get some exercise. The path was narrow and thick with trees and undergrowth. The people who live on the island keep it clear and I'm sure it takes a bit of work. We thank them otherwise we would not get to the beach on the North side.

This picture is of Larry taking in the breathtaking view as we came into the clearing at the ocean. The sand was like white sugar and very fine and soft. It felt good on our feet as we walked the beach in search of shells. It's not a good beach for shells we didn't find any but the swimming and sunning was worth the walk.

This little guy was one of many that scurried into the woods as we walk by. They are called curly tails and are much larger than the gecko we see in Florida. They grow them big here!

This picture was taken Wednesday morning during the storm that rolled though and brought winds of 35 knots. It lasted a good part of the day and when it did clear it was still cloudy. We just stayed on the boat all day and read and of course ate. We pumped two large buckets of water out of our dinghy that's how much it rained.

Now you might ask what did we do with all that water we pumped out of the dinghy! Laundry what else! As you can see from the picture we took from shore today it was a glorious day, great for drying laundry. We hand washed it and hung it in the cockpit to dry. We also returned to the beach for another day in the sun.


Blogger Awake In Rochester said...

Looks beautiful! A rainy day in paradise is better then a snowy day in Rochester. Yes, we got an inch or two today, and it was very windy. It has been one of the stormiest winters that I can remember. I think that we have averaged one moderate storm per week.

I can't wait until spring. Lilac festival here I come!

3:08 AM  

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