Day 25! We left very early this morning and traveled to an anchorage below St. Augustine. We made very good time and decided to pass though the Bridge of Lyons to get a head start on the next days journey. The anchorage on the South side of St. Augustine was crowded so we went about five miles beyond. We were one of about four boats and it was quiet with no road traffic noise. Our original plan was to go outside but the we were concerned with enough daylight hours. It takes time to go out to the ocean and back in from the ocean. Not going out gave us more travel hours to cover more distance.
Day 26! Today we left again, very early, most days it's at first light. We have had current with us for two days now. A break for us. It allows us to arrive early in the afternoon get our hook set and relax before sunset. We anchored at our usual place below Daytona Beach. There were several boats already anchored and several that came in after us. Locals also leave their boats at anchor here so it's always quite full.
Day 27! We took our time this morning we were going a short distance to New Smyrna Beach to the city marina. I had contacted my Aunt Dot who lives near by and she was available to visit. I had also contacted our friend Charlie. He and his friend Lisa stopped by for a visit around noon. They had planned to anchor out in their boat and watch the boat parade that evening. We didn't get to spend much time with them but maybe on the return trip we will stay longer.
My Aunt arrived around 1PM and we made a trip to the store for provisions for dinner and the week. We got chatting and forgot the time and the fact that their was also a street parade around 4 PM. When we arrived back we had to con someone to let us down the street to the marina. We were also lucky that someone had saved a parking spot for a friend that didn't show up. They probably were also late but weren't successful at a con. After we unloaded the car we sat in the open hatch to watch the parade. We waited and waited but it took them a long time to appear. They started on the beach side of the ICW and came across the bridge, which is quite a hike. I know, I have done it many times. We had a great time and a wonderful dinner. I'll look forward to catching up with my Aunt and Charlie on the return trip. The photo is of one of the many floats in the parade.
Day 28! We woke early to start our day. It's always fun getting off the dock with all the lines and electric cord. Not to mention the wind that always seems to be blowing the wrong way. We got out and off to a good start with the wind and waves following us we put out our jib sail and we trucking along at 7 knots. We were delighted because we were sure the current would hold us up. We got to Cocoa Beach and decided to call it a day. We pulled in dropped our hook and decided not to even go to shore. There were several boats already at anchor and several that joined us later. It was a quiet night as we sat in the cockpit and watched the sunset. It is amazing how cool it gets shortly after sunset, so we retreated to below decks for an early night.
Day 29! We woke early again and started our day. We had planned to go to Fort Pierce but we are getting very tired and decided to cut it short and go into Vero Beach take a mooring ball and call our friends Greti and Richard. They were home but Richard had to work to night. We wanted to get together with them so we decided we would stay another night. We met Richard and Greti in Deltaville, they were one of the couples we spent our Wednesday night pot lucks with. It will be good to see them.
In Vero Beach the norm is to be rafted up with two other boats on a mooring ball. When we arrived we needed to fuel so we went to the dock took on diesel and water, then out to our mooring. When we arrived at the ball two other boats were already tied up. The one had a dinghy step along side and wasn't home so rafting to him was not an option. The second boat had a dinghy along side but was home. I called out and the owner came above and moved the dinghy and assisted us in rafting. Once we were secure we mounted the motor on the dinghy and went to shore. It was good to take a walk. With all the anchoring and not going to shore you tend to get a little stiff. Old age doesn't help either. We walked to the ocean to see how it looked. It was calm but windy out there and I didn't last long because I was getting cold. We walked back and took a hot shower at the marina before going back to our boat.
Day 30! We got to shore by 9 AM this morning to meet Greti. She was going shopping for groceries and Larry and I joined her. Larry went to West Marine for some maintenance supplies and to a hardware store for a replacement spring for our pelican hook on the stern lifeline. We have looked in many a town for a spring but were unsuccessful until now.
After shopping, we returned to the boat and put our food away. We did a few jobs and then rode the dinghy to the Riverside Cafe for lunch. We never seem to get tired of looking out over the water so we took a dock side seat and enjoyed a lite lunch.
After relaxing on the boat for the afternoon we went to shore and had a shower and met Richard at the marina. He and Greti had invited us to dinner. We had a wonderful time, it was great to get together with them. Even though it's only been since mid October since we last saw them it seems like a lifetime ago. I think we have been on the water too long. Places and days are starting to run together and we are having a hard time knowing what day it is. I wonder what we would be like in an Atlantic crossing. Probably dazed by the time we arrived. After all we have been out for a month now. It has been fun taking our time, with the help of poor weather conditions, getting the opportunity to visit with family and friends as we travel.
Day 31! This morning it was easy getting off our mooring. The winds were light but will build during the day. They predict winds to gale force on the ocean, late today and tomorrow. We are trying to decide weather we want to sit it out up in Stuart or keep going. We are on the ICW but the waves and wind have already started to build. I've seen 22 knots and the waves are breaking over the bow, so much for the fresh rinse from the rain last night. We would have liked to make it to Lake Worth today but with the current against us and the wind on our nose that will be impossible to make before dark.
We finally got a call back from the marina and mooring field in Stuart and they are still closed for renovations. Our decision has been made for us we will continue on to an anchorage about ten miles North of Lake Worth.
We arrived at our anchorage about 4 PM. It's protected here from the strong winds and has very little chop in the water. We set the hook with two other boats and a third joined us about an hour after we arrived. It looks like it will be a quiet night. Tomorrow we will travel to Lake Boca and will have had 18 bridge openings. It would be easier on the outside if the weather would only cooperate. Even though the bridges make for a long tiring day it's nice to have the choice when the weather gets rough in the ocean.