The picture was taken at sunset Sunday night. We were at anchor between the bridges. The weather cleared quite nicely and lent it's self to a beautiful day on Monday.

We took this picture on Monday of our boat/home peacefully at anchor with the other bridge/US 1 on the North side. The rock wall in the foreground is the channel into the marina and we were standing on the beach. The depth in the channel is too shallow for us to bring our boat to shore so we dinghy in. Earlier we took a dinghy ride around the Key stopping now and then to cool off in the water.
Tuesday afternoon we headed back to Marathon and were treated to a wonderful sail. The winds were out of the Southeast and we were on a beam reach with the only sound, the water rushing along the hull. It felt great to be energize in such a relaxing way. Traveling down the coast on the ICW renders us few opportunities to to sail, this was a treat.
A Visit to North Fort Myers! Two weekends ago we rented a car and took a land trip up to visit with Mom and Dad. When we stay in Marathon it lends us a short trip to visit with them. We plan to take advantage of this again while we are here. We had a great visit it's always better than a phone call. They, like us, would like to see warmer temps and less Northerly blows.
The gator in the picture was sunning himself at the visitors center along the Tamiami Trail route 41 on our ride up. He was one of many that we saw along the water as we drove.
This is a picture of me and my girlfriend Karen having lunch during our visit to North Fort Myers. She was also visiting her parents in Bonita Springs a town just South of Fort Myers. It was good to have a visit together. It's been two years since we last saw each other. Karen lives outside of Rochester, NY. She visited us the first year we were in Florida and is planning to visit us again this Winter.
Key West! Yesterday, Monday, Martin Luther King Holiday, we took the bus to Key West. This was our second trip to Key West this season. The US Government has created a new form of identification for Port Authority workers. They have also included Captains into this. Which meant Larry had to apply for a TWIC card (Transportation Workers Identification Card). This process took two trips in person to a port of entry. Larry had two choices to go, one being Miami and the other Key West. He had read that Key West had the shortest wait time once you arrived, with or without an appointment. The first trip he had an appointment for early afternoon. We got there early to allow ourselves plenty of time to find the office. We got there several hours early but only had to wait a short time and they took him. This time we had an early appointment to pick up the card and he was taken upon arrival. The second appointment was quick.
After his appointment we walked in the direction of Mallory Square. Along the way we stopped for lunch at Schooner's on the water. The day was full of changes as far as the weather went. During our walk and before lunch we had to duck under an awning to escape getting soaked from a passing shower. This had cooled the wind considerably. It was pleasant to look out over the water while eating but a little on the chilly side.
After eating we walked to the Mel Fisher Museum and took a tour. Mel Fisher was a treasure diver and has discovered some wrecks dating back to the 1600's. After spending several hours reading and viewing at the museum we walked back to Mallory Square to see the wares of the vendors and see the entertainment. Things were just getting started and the wind was strong coming off the water. We decided not to stay long when the sun set it would get even colder. We walked down Duval St. and stopped at Fogerty's for a rum, after which we caught a bus for the ride back to Marathon. It was dark and around 9 PM when we arrived back at the boat and called it a night after something to eat.