The first picture is of a Naval ship dry docked for maintenance. The second picture is of a Navel ship being piloted to a dock in the restricted area for Naval ships. We are always amazed how close we come to these ships. If you get too close though, you can be sure a small gun boat will great you.
Saturday May 30
Today was our last day of travel and we were anxious to get under way before the winds picked up. They were predicted to be out of the North and on our nose and we would also be fighting the current. We picked up our anchor and were under way by 7AM. It took us 8 hours to arrive in Deltaville. When the wind and current are favorable we make it in much less time. It felt good to know we were finished with our travels for now. We plan to work during the Summer to build the cruising kitty and do some needed repairs on the boat. Everyone at Regatta Point seemed happy to see us as we were to see them.
The picture is of the beautiful sunset we were treated to our first night back.
Tuesday June 2
Day one of repairs! The picture is of Larry as he replaces our macerator pump on our holding tank. It was a very tight squeeze to get into the compartment that it was in. It had been originally installed so tight that the bolts that held the two parts together had sheered off. They were no where to be found. Larry took off about 1/4 inch from one of the hose and the fit was much better. A boat flexes with the movement of the water and being crammed in so tight is not a good thing. From the beginning we have always had a smell coming from the tank and now feel it has had a slight leak from the beginning. Not a pleasant odor to have. We had to remove everything stored in the aft lockers and scrub the fiberglass bottoms. Thank goodness we had placed plastic drain mats down before filling up the compartments. We had done this because of moisture that forms on the outside hull. It had also protected our stored stuff from the leakage. Something we had not planned on. All is well and we smell better now.
Larry started to work for the marina but will only work 20 hours. This leaves him leeway to drive the Sea Tow boat and work a few days at West Marine. Working at West Marine gives us good discounts and with the needed repairs it will help. I start to work Tuesday sewing for a local canvas shop two days a week. I will apply for West Marine also but only want two days a week there also.
We have seen a lot of rain the end of our first week here. There is always a shortage of rain fall here even though many thunderstorms move though the area. Today the sun is shinning bright and the breeze is bowing and the temperature is very pleasant. I'm sure we will have the air conditioner running this Summer but it sure is pleasant to have the boat open for now.
Friday of this coming week we will ride the motorcycle to Rochester, NY. We will visit with family and have an inspection taken for the cycle. We would register the cycle in VA. to save having to go to NY by cycle if they had the same rider on insurance for car rental. Lets hope the weather will be kind to us.
Tonight we plan to get together with our friends Greti and Richard on M/V Uschi. They won't be spending the Summer here this year but will travel to New England. They will spend a month here at the end of Summer before retuning to Florida by car. They plan to leave early tomorrow morning. It's good to spend a little time with them before they leave.