Every Wednesday a group of us would get together and share ideas mostly about sewing but we gradually got into beading. One week I demonstrated how to fit canvas on a jerry can and create a cover. The next week the group after getting the tools, fit and cut one out themselves. It was a fun time each week and everyone had something to share. The Monday before we were to leave most of the group got together for lunch. From left to right, Gail(me),Anna, Linda,Debbie, Sherry, Annie and Sally. I'm gonna miss you girls!
My largest project was the side panels pictured here. I'm quite proud of me and my helper(Larry). The couple who own this boat are friends of ours, Nancy and Norman. When Norman saw Larry on the dock putting grommets into curtains I had made for one of his neighbors he ask if we could make side curtains for his boat. It was the biggest job that we undertook and I'm glad we did. It's nice to know that my machine and I can handle a job this size.
With all our projects complete and the boat provisioned and ready to go we left early Thursday morning. It was one of those absolutely glorious days on the water. The sun was shining bright the wind was 10 to 15 knots and on our starboard beam slightly too our stern, just how I like it. Not healing too much is good for all the house stuff down below. Helps it stay put on the shelves. We saw several dolphin and lots of sea turtles. I was concerned that there wouldn't be any turtles with all that died during the cold spell this Winter. It was good to see so many. That evening we anchored in Little Shark river with six other boats. It was a quiet evening at anchor, always a good thing.

We left anchor on Friday morning not quite as early as Thursday bit still early. We are in travel mode now. We just started out and Larry like on Thursday put the line out and trolled for fish. He didn't get even a nibble on Thursday but got a hit right away on Friday. He pulled in a 22 inch Spanish Mackerel. Put the line back in and bamm another hit, it must have been very big, it broke his 40 pound test line. The big ones always get away. He re-rigged and got another hit, this time a 29 inch Mackerel. He decided not to catch more in case we didn't have room in the freezer. The picture is of one of the fish. We have already sampled some and I can tell you they are tasty.
Friday evening we anchored at Marco Island. We attempted to anchor just inside the channel at Coconut Island but it was to shoaled and shallow for our draft. We very carefully returned to the channel and motored back to Factory Bay. There were several other boats already there. We had another quiet night.

We left again around 8 AM on Saturday morning. We were under motor sail and watching the progress of the heavy weather storm coming across our path. We were getting close and decided it was time to bring in the sails before it was too difficult to do so. We were moving along and I noticed a couple of little birds flying as though they were going to land and hitch a ride for awhile. We often get hitch hikers out in the ocean when we are traveling. They stay with us for a while and rest then leave. This little bugger actually came into the cockpit enclosure sat for a few minutes then few out and brought back five of his buddies. We had them all over us, on our shoulders on our heads sitting on our fingers. I was even petting one. I had to keep the companion way doors closed to keep them out of down below. They were real interested in seeing our nest. No way I drew the line. When I brought our lunch up they kept landing on my plate wanting my salad. They kept us entertained until we got to Fort Myers Beach Channel just before we turned to go into the harbor. The picture of the bird in my dead herb pot is the same one who brought his friends in out of the storm. After the long trek to the back mooring field we finally found an empty ball. It had no painter and I almost pulled Larry into the water when he hooked it with the boat hook. We got settled and went into the office to check in. We then went for a walk to the beach.

This picture shows only a small part of the wall to wall sunbathers and anchored boats. It was a little too much for us so we went back to the quiet of the boat.
Sunday morning we didn't worry about getting up too early we had only planned to go to shore and take the trolley to the Publix grocery store. Before going Larry decided to check the antifreeze in the engine only to find out our raw water pump for the engine was leaking.
We seem to be having quite a year of it. We just changed the water pump two years ago on our way back from the Bahamas. I don't know if it's a case of they just don't make things like they used to or our luck or lack of it this year. Well that's a job for Tuesday.
Monday we got up early and left the boat at 7:50 AM. We rode the dinghy to shore to catch the trolley to Lovers Key where we took a transfer to the trolley for Bonita Springs where we again took a transfer to the bus to Coconut Point Mall, to the Apple Store. I know you were wondering what I was going to do with the money I made on sewing canvas. I've been saving for a while to get a new computer. Now I'll have no excuse when it comes to blogging. I'm using it right now and it sure is nice.
I think I tired Larry out today he has his eyes closed I don't think he is long for this world. I won't be up late either. The wind is howling and the boat is making all kinds of noise but I don't think it will keep us up. Larry needs some rest he has a boat to fix before we go to visit Mom and Dad on Wednesday.