I'm sad to say it's been way too long since I last blogged. I have to admit I do miss it but life tied to a dock sure does change ones priority list. When we were cruising putting my thoughts and days events to the page were and was very important to me. I guess I have to look at it different now. Life is exciting here in DC just in a different way. I suppose those who haven't visited this great city and even those who have, may be interested in what goes on here on a regular basis.
Lots of exciting things have transpired since last October. We made a trip to the cold snowy North of Rochester, NY for Christmas, then another trip to Florida to visit Mom and Dad Hodge over one of Larry's long weekends.
Another long weekend we visited the historic city of Fredericksburg, Va. There is much in the way of history to absorb in this city. Many battles took place in and around the city during the civil war. We purchased a pass that allows one to visit several restored historic buildings and all the battlefields. We were unable to take it all in on that one weekend but will be able to return anytime in the future. Our pass has no expiration date.
This year marked the 100th anniversary of the gift of the cherry trees from Japan to Washington DC. Normally the festival lasts for approximately two weeks, this year it has been an entire month long event. One weekend was here at the waterfront. There was food vendors, craft vendors and music. The day ended with a spectacular fireworks display presented by the city of Nagaoka, Japan. It was quite a treat especially when we had prime seats right on our boat. I would say it was one of the best displays I've been treated to. The only time I could say that would rival it was the display we watched on a boat out on the water of lake Ontario just off of Toronto Canada. That one was a world wide competition over a two week period.
All during the blooming season of Spring we take walks every weekend and some evenings to see what is open before it finishes. The entire city seemed to be in bloom this year. The magnolia trees were beautiful but not quite as spectacular as last year the same was true of the cherry trees. I'm not sure if the blooms were less because of the mild Winter we had and the early heat we had before Winter ended. It could also have been the fact that last year was my first year here in DC during Spring. Probably anything would have looked spectacular to me. Winter was mild and the heat came early so did the cherry blossoms, they were at there peak before the festival began. It reminded me of the lilac festival in Rochester, NY. It was rare that the lilacs were in full bloom or in bloom at all during the festival. Mother Nature sure does have a mind of her own. I've included a few pictures of the beautiful blooms that we have been treated to.
Magnolias in bloom Haupt Garden |
Hyacinth in Haupt Garden |
Orchid Exhibit Botanical Gardens |
Cherry Trees at Tidal Basin |
Dogwood Trees |
During this past week the shuttle Discovery was transported form Florida to Dulles International Airport, Washington, DC and will be on display at the National Air and Space Museum ,Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, Chantilly, VA. During it's flight aboard a modified 747, it made several passes over the waterfront and the National Mall. It actually flew right over head of our boat. WOW! They raffled off 50 seats for free to spectators to sit on the runway at Dulles. That had to be quite an experience for some lucky people. I felt lucky to watch from the dock as it flew over head. These pictures were taken by our neighbor as we watched. The flags you see fly over the tennis courts just above the sea wall and the other was as it flew over us. I do have to admit it is an exciting city. Even though I'm looking forward to cursing again what better place to wait it out.
Discovery flying over tennis court SW Waterfront |
Discovery Flying overhead |