Sunday we celebrated Flag Raising 2012. It is the official day for the opening of the boating season. We started with cocktails at 1100 hrs, ceremony at 1200 hrs and at 1230 hrs we had a catered buffet lunch. The attendance was good and everyone seemed to have a good time.
The morning weather started out with a light drizzle but was exchanged with an overcast sky. The rain did come upon us though by evening. It was kind of the rain gods to hold off until the festivities were done. The first picture is of the ceremony in progress and in the background you can see the fire boat toasting us with his great fire hoses pumping gallons and gallons of Potomac water into the air. The second picture was taken at the end of D dock just as he was about to make his turn.
Last week we had extreme warm temperatures and this week seems to be just the opposite. We have had some more rain this afternoon. Yesterday the temps were in the low 70's with high winds. Today at high tide I thought the water might come up to the top of the dock, it was close. The winds have been strong right up until the rain came. They were blowing up the potomac and when the tide was rising it was causing high water. Usually the park across the channel goes under water all along the sea wall. The tide is down and now it will be easier for me to get off the boat. I guess that means it's a good time to go to the club for a shower.
Flag Raising Ceremony |
Fire Boat |