Time is moving fast and we have been visiting with family and friends, catching up.
Our oldest daughter Jennifer and I have had a Garage Sale but we have made out better on e-bay. Our granddaughter Kira has spent a long weekend with us. We have had Larry's brother and family on the boat for a day. We have had Kenny and Diane T. Spend a day on the boat with us. It has all been such fun! This Summer in NY has been one of those that we dream about on those long cold Winter nights. The sun has been strong and very warm even reaching 100 degrees for a day. The water in the lake has reached a comfortable swimming temperature.
Larry and I started to get restless and looking to do some sailing. After moving for nine months I thought I would just want to sit still for the three months of Summer but I was wrong. I'm glad we had planned a two week trip with our crew in the picture (Jonathan and Joseph our grandsons) to the 1,000 Islands.
We started out Tuesday of this past week August 1. Our first day was a long one 10 hours from Oak Orchard Creek to Sodus Bay. The winds were strong out of the West and we had a following sea. Our plan was to spend the night at the Sodus Bay Yacht Club but they were hosting a race the following day and no slips were available. We finally docked at Katlynn Marine. Our crew traveled very well and even slept for a time but was very anxious to get to shore and eat dinner. Eat dinner did they, like they hadn't eaten for a week. I guess the fresh air and sunshine did them good.
Wednesday we started out after breakfast about 9:30 AM. We didn't get very far when the engine alarm went off. We shut it off and Papa dropped the anchor, then cleaned out the engine strainer but it didn't work yet. He then dove over the side and cleared the weeds from the keel, they were dragging and covering the intake. It worked and we all took a swim pulled up anchor and were on our way. The winds were light this time but the waves were good size. Being a power boat without our sails made for a less than comfortable ride when your small. After lunch a nap worked well again. Our ride was short this day 5 hours and by the time we were approaching the harbor channel for Oswego the waves grew even bigger with strong winds. A front was coming in and promised some rain. In the evening we could see the lightening behind the clouds over the lake. After we went to bed the wind built and the rain came down bringing with is thunder and more lightening.
Thursday morning we were wakened by people talking outside on the dock. When we got up and went outside we noticed something funny about their sailboat. It was missing it's mast. They had been part of an overnight race during that storm. They got demasted during the night by the strong wind and rocking of the waves. They told us the boat rolled to one side then to the other and when they looked up the mast was down. It was impossible for them to bring it on board so they left it dragging beside them until daylight. The Captain shared with us that he was afraid of going aground on the shoal of rocks but the mast acted as a drogue anchor and kept them from drifting more than a half mile in a four hour time frame. They were very lucky I guess the name of their boat came true (Guardian Angel). The important part no one was injured. The weather never settled down so we stayed put for another night.
The lake was still quite active when we rose Friday morning so we took our time moving out. Our destination was short again about four hours to Henderson Harbor. The wind was strong enough to motor sail helping us to cut though the waves. Our crew spent most of their time on deck enjoying the ride with only a short nap. The fresh air does wonders. The weather predicted for the afternoon stormy weather and heavy winds which we had heavy winds for the last part of the ride. A great ride it was with the wind and waves clocking behind us which allowed us to turn off the engine. When we arrived at Henderson Harbor Yacht Club our crew was delighted with the playground and beach with swimming area, so delighted they ask to spend another night which Papa granted. We have spent most of the day today wet, what great fun.
I just wanted to let those of you who are following this site know, it give me great delight to read your comments. Please keep them coming.