Busy in Boot Key Harbor

The time sure has flown since arriving back to Marathon after Christmas. We have both been busy with work and I can say this old body isn't used to it. By the time I get done at night and Larry comes to get me, we get back and eat, it's close to midnight or is after. I can say I haven't kept these hours since I was much younger. Larry has taken the two late shifts the past two weekends. That's great for me I get to ride the water taxi both ways for work. Of course he is very tired, this weekend was a busy one for the taxi.
We have been to the beach on the ocean side on two separate days. The first one was two weeks ago on Wednesday, we both had the day off. We decided it was a totally "S" Day. We rode by dinghy out Sister Creek on a Spectacularly, Sunny Day to Soak up the Sunshine on the Sand and Simmer off in the Salt Sea water. The beach was picturesque like something you would see on an add for an Island in the Caribbean. The winds for off the land and the beach had been raked. The sand was fluffy and easy to lay on. The water was so clear you could see your feet when you waded out. The next time we went was on Sunday and the sand was packed from the rain the day before and all the feet treading on it. The wind was off the water bringing with it all the sea grass. It was still good to lay in the sun but not quite as perfect as the time before. We know we will definitely look for winds off the land when we get the urge to beach again.

This past Tuesday we took an excursion to Key West via the local transit, the bus. It cost us $1 each and got us there in short order. We went with another couple we met here in the harbor. Kathy and Jim have been traveling together from New Burn, SC. He is from Canada and she is from Rochester, NY. After getting to know her we discovered her daughter-in-law was a customer of our salon and went to school with our oldest daughter Jennifer. It is amazing how small this big world is.
Larry and I applied for the Local Boater Program, which allows us to reenter the county from the Bahamas by phone. We needed to go to Key West or Miami to obtain it. We decided Key West would be more fun. Besides you haven't been to the keys unless you go to Key West.
The picture is of one of the many beautiful butterflies at the Butterfly Conservatory in Key West. We spent several hours at the conservatory then met up with Kathy and Jim for lunch then back to Boot Key.

Today we haven't attempted to go to shore as you can tell by the picture of the water taxi it is very unpleasant here today. It's been too cold to even sit up in the cockpit, besides with the clouds there wasn't a sunset to enjoy. Tomorrow is to be much of the same but I have an appointment at 10:00 AM so I think I'll be wet.