Our boat looks naked with most of it's enclosure removed. I took this picture yesterday after we removed our head sail and most of our canvas. We scrubbed our cushions from the cockpit and after they dried we put them below decks. We then went by motorcycle to the store and bought some food and party stuff, rum and beer and gassed up the cycle. We are told the power may go out and we will be forced to party with all the boat owners that are here to watch their boats during the storm.
It's noon now and we are in the middle of the storm and receiving the brunt of it's force. If this is the worst of it I'll be glad. The wind is strong 15 to 20 knots with higher gusts. The most I've seen so far is 35 knots. Fortunately it is only classed as a tropical storm not a hurricane. The storm behind it is supposed to be worse. I pray it misses us. Larry had to work today so I'm on the boat by myself and plan when the rain lets up to go to the Captains lounge to be on level ground for a while. I certainly would not like to be out on the bay today, it's ugly out there, high winds and 7 foot waves. Tomorrow it's supposed to be sunny and warm with winds out of the NW at 15 to 20 knots not a good direction for us because we are exposed to the Rappahonack River. I think we will have another uncomfortable day but without rain.
Larry just stopped to check out our boat as he is checking others. He is drenched from the torrents of rain that are coming down. He said this is the brunt of it right now maybe it will subside soon.
On a lighter note last weekend I took Amtrak from Williamsburg, VA to Hartford, CT to visit with our youngest daughter, Patience. She was house sitting for a friend and this picture was taken at Terry's house with one of her two Persian cats. They posed for me to take pictures of them, hamming it up the whole time. Patience and I had stayed at Terry's Friday and Saturday night then Sunday and Monday at Patience's house. We went berry picking Saturday morning with more friends of Patience's from work. It was damp in the morning form the rain the day before but the sun came out and made for a pleasant afternoon and our picnic. Sunday we visited Patience's garden at Steve's parents house and did some harvesting of fresh veggies. They made of a great dinner that evening. Monday we went to the mall to shop then to Bertucci's for lunch. It was a great weekend and I hated to see it end but I was anxious to see Larry. My trip back on the train was less crowded and only 20 minutes late not an hour and a half like my trip to Hartford. I would definitely take the train again, it's nice to sit back and read a book while someone else does the driving. Next Summer I'm looking at a 15 day rail pass to visit CT and NY. Who knows maybe I can talk Larry into going.
This is Norman! He is Patience and Steven's lovable cat. Every time we came to her house he would greet us at the door for a little loving. As you can see he is quite the ham also.
It's 1 pm now and I thought things were calming down but I was mistaken. It started to subside only to start all over again. I guess I'll make lunch and hope for the best.