Day 16! We left our anchorage and found the winds to be strong out on the channel, up to twenty knots. I guess we were protected during the night after all. We thought maybe the report was incorrect. We didn't leave as early as other mornings because we couldn't get an opening of the Lady's Island Bridge on request. They are having technical difficulties and only opening at 10 AM and 2 PM. We arrived at the bridge around 3 PM, traveled up Factory Creek and dropped the hook. Diane and Mike arrived shortly after. We got together on our boat after they took Skipper for his walk. It was a quiet night.
Day 17! We woke and after talking to Diane decided we would take the 10 AM opening of the bridge instead of the 2 PM. Larry and I were going to walk to the store and get supplies but Diane's cousin offered to take Diane and me to Wal*Mart around noon. This meant I could get more supplies than when we walk. The picture shows the bridge opening for us and many other boats that were lined up including a tug on the other side. Even commercial traffic have to wait for one of the two openings. We watched as workers appeared to move heavy blocks from one side of the abutment to the other side of the abutment, then the bridge would begin to swing open. We wondered if the blocks were some kind of break to keep the bridge in place. No one seems to know when the bridge will be repaired. I'm sure the motorists are enjoying the lack of interruptions when crossing the bridge. I can't say that the sailors can say the same.
When we passed though the bridge to the other side we fueled up at the Downtown Marina and found a spot in the anchorage. When we were sure we had good holding, Larry dinghied me to shore to catch my ride. He stayed at shore to visit with Mike while he did their laundry.
Later after I returned and we showered at shore at the marina, we joined Mike and Diane at Pannini's for dinner. After a great meal and visit we went to our dinghy to return to our boat. Larry readied the dinghy motor and pulled the starting cord to find it broke in his hand. This was not good the tide was going out which meant the current was against us and he had to row. So much for the shower! Well we know what he will be doing tomorrow morning.

Day 18! Thanksgiving! We started out the day with Larry fixing the starter cord on the dinghy motor and me doing some laundry. While we were at shore we took a walk around town something we didn't have time for yesterday. The stores were all closed, of course, but it still is a quaint town to walk down the streets.
This is Larry carving our dinner. Which we enjoyed after a little dinghy trip to visit another boat a short distance from us in the anchorage, Dick on M/V Lady Hawk. We met him at Osprey Marina. He and Larry recognized each other, they had worked together back in Rochester, NY for Kodak. It sure is a small world. We are amazed at how many people we have met on our journey that we knew in our former life or were connected by someone else.
Day 19! This morning we left early. After a mild day yesterday, we were confident that we could dress light. That changed! Larry had on shorts and I had on capris. The sun faded into the clouds and we quickly put on long pants and more layers. Then the rain came and stayed with us most of the day and night. We anchored in Turner Creek just below Thunderbolt, Ga. With all the rain we and Diane and Mike opted to stay aboard our own boats. Larry and I went to bed early, morning comes quick.
Day 20! This morning it was still soggy. We left around 7 AM and traveled though the marshes of Georgia riding the current at each inlet. Sometimes it was in our favor and sometimes not. Our speed fluctuated from just below 4 knots to above 7 knots. We have learned to enjoy the ride and not be frustrated by the resistance.
We are anchored in Duplin Creek this evening. The ferry in the picture is one of the two docked at the mouth of the creek. This Island is the home of the University of Georgia Marine Institute. Our guide book says it's a great place to take a walk but we arrived just before 5 and it was ready to get dark, we'll have to take that walk next time.
Mike and Diane arrived shortly after us and we joined them on their boat for cocktails. Of course while we were there it began to rain. It was short lived and when it stopped we returned home for dinner. It's about 10 PM and we are getting ready for sleep and another long day tomorrow. Our plan is to anchor at Cumberland Island tomorrow night.