Flight to NY! Burrrrr!

The picture is of our youngest Grandchild Joseph with his Birthday cake celebrating his 6th Birthday. We have not been with him for his last few celebrations so it was time to bare the cold North and join in the celebration.
We rented a car in Marathon and drove to Miami. Our flight was uneventful and on time. We arrived in Rochester at 9:30 PM and Jennifer and Patience picked us up at the airport.

Saturday afternoon the sun was shinning and we went to the miniature golf course to play 18 holes. You can see the gang from left to right Larry, Jennifer, Jonathan, Steve, Joseph and Patience. Later that night we celebrated with other family and friends with pizza and cake.

Sunday we got together again for dinner with Dan and Kira, in the picture, at Jennifer and Steve's house. Patience had to go back to Connecticut and was not happy to leave.
We had a good visit with everyone in spite of the cold temps. I know now why we chose to go south for the winter. It lasts entirely too long and is too cold for us. We left for the airport early Monday morning and we could see snow flurries in the air. It was good to get back to warm weather even though we miss everyone when we are gone. Our next visit will be in the summer and hopefully it will be a warm one.