At Home in Oak Orchard Creek

We left Rochester yesterday afternoon at 2:30 PM on calm seas. We put out the main hoping to catch the following wind but it wasn't enough to keep our sail full. The wind clocked around a few hours out but it was too much on our nose for the jib to give us an assist. We were hoping for a good sail but it just wasn't going to happen. We at least got to furl out the sails to make sure they worked. When the wind clocked out of the West the waves picked up a little but not enough to make a rough transit. We arrived at the County Docks at 8 Pm, tied up and went to see the dock master. It felt good to be still for the first time in 8 weeks.
This morning we slept until we were ready to get up, felt good. We had a good surprise about mid morning, friends we have known and sailed with for many years stopped by to welcome us to the neighborhood. Rich and Julie were happy to see us and us to see them. We look forward to visiting and sailing together this summer.
Latter in the afternoon Rich and Julie took us to get our truck and motorcycle. I wasn't sure about the driving thing since I hadn't driven since October when we rented a car in Deltaville to drive back North and that was pretty scary. To my surprise it was like riding a bike and I did very well. Larry was pleased when the truck stared right away and the bike with a little coaxing started with out using the jumper cables. After a short distance down the road it sounded like new.
Tomorrow morning we plan to attend church and visit with Jennifer and Dan and their families. I guess we are fitting back into the grove easily.