Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve in Beaufort, SC

This is Kristen and Wilbur our personal tour guides of historic Beaufort, SC. They gave us a carriage ride for approximately an hour with a narrated history of the town and many houses dating back to late 1700's. Kristen was very pleasant, informative and interesting. Wilbur was very entertaining as he would wander off the path while walking. Kristen says he was being nosier than usual. Kristen tells us one day he wandered too the sidewalk where a woman was carrying a loaf of bread. Wilbur is a retired plow horse from amiss country. He is ten years old and will work as a guide horse for ten more years then be put to pasture. No glue factory for him. Kristen is a third generation resident here in Beaufort and says as long as her mom lives here so will she.

After our one and a half mile walk back, we went to the store to gather a few items for the dinner among the boater here tomorrow. We are going to take in a movie at the theatre across the road tonight. Then we will turn in early so Santa can come visit us.


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